
  • O reservatório profundo contém desinfetante líquido para limpeza eficaz de calçados nas entradas.
  • Feito de material de PVC 100% reciclado compatível com REACH.
  • Raspadores flexíveis especialmente projetados para remover a sujidade e permitir que o calçado mergulhe em desinfetante.
  • Adequado para qualquer local onde a higiene é importante, como edifícios agrícolas, matadouros e fábricas de processamento alimentar.
  • Volume de desinfetante recomendado de 1,75 litros.
  • Recomendamos o uso de um desinfetante antiviral, tal como o composto de amoníaco quaternário.
  • 100% reciclável.
  • Classificação A+ BREEAM.
  • As bordas em rampa reduzem o risco de tropeçar.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has become a global pandemic in 2020 and governments, businesses and members of the public are having to take unprecedented steps to protect themselves and others. Whilst many countries are now in ‘lockdown’, with socialising strictly prohibited, many industries continue to function, not least the vital sectors such as manufacturing, food production, and farming. One of the best ways to improve hygiene is to reduce germs, bacteria, and viruses walked from room to room or building to building. According to research published by the CDC, carried out in Wuhan, China, viruses in healthcare settings (including Covid-19) float to the floor and are carried on the shoes of healthcare workers, posing a high contamination risk. Disinfectant mats between areas greatly reduces the risk of contaminants spreading.

  • Peças
  • Especificação técnica
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Número da peçaHYW010001 Tamanho0.55 m x 0.8 m CorPreto Peso3.5 Solicitação de preço Preço de solicitação

HygiWell disinfectant mat for footwear disinfection

Disinfectant foot bath for entrance areas

The main entrances to large companies in the agricultural, pharmaceutical and food processing industries are equipped with modern hygiene sluices with mechanical sole disinfection.

Smaller companies often cannot afford the investment in such a system and even in large companies, side entrances, toilet areas or entrances to the canteen are often not equipped in the same way as the main entrance.

Disinfectant mats are a simple but effective solution, the HygiWell disinfectant mat is easy to install. It can be laid freely on the floor and its position can be changed as required. The specially developed surface structure ensures that dirt is removed from footwear and the sole of the shoe can be immersed in the disinfectant.

We recommend using disinfection mats in combination with moisture control mat such as our Microfibre Doormat to minimize the risk of slipping in the area behind the disinfection mats.

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