Our range of social distancing screens have been designed to equip different workplaces and public environments with effective airborne contamination control.

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All of our SafeScreen Pro social distancing screens provide an effective barrier against germs spread by talking, coughing or sneezing.

Our social distancing screens are ideal for a range of industries, including but not limited to education, hospitality, retail and offices. The hygiene screens are available in different sizes and shapes, to fit any space.

The L and U shape screens are ideal as desk divider screens in offices or schools, where people are sat next to each other, while the Pro Service Screen without sides could be better suited for service desks within the hospitality or retail industries. If you’re unsure about which shape of sneeze guard will work best, feel free to get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to asses your environment.

The screens do not limit your view of the environment, the clear plastic enable employees and customers to communicate with ease.

These sneeze guards are easy to install, no measuring is required. In your kit you’ll receive strong magnetic fixings that are combined with self-adhesive pads to ensure secure installation. We’re also proud that the screens have been manufactured in the UK and are 100% recyclable.

We have expanded our range of social distancing products to help you create a COVID-19 secure environment. You’ll find products to promote social distancing and prevent contamination.

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