COBA Europe is today launching a brand new product into the domestic market.

Matfresh doormat

MatFresh® is a totally new concept in house hygiene, and is the culmination of years of development and market research. Two years ago COBA spied an opportunity to revolutionise the often-stale world of entrance mats, and has crafted something completely unique.

The timing of the launch is no coincidence. COBA feels that the key audience for its new product is likely to consist predominantly of Mothers, fed up of those unruly smells walked in from children and pets, always a problem at this time of year.

MatFresh® has also received some great early feedback from its target audience. Lara Smith from MumsNet said, “MatFresh® sounds like the solution we’ve been looking for! I’m constantly trying to keep my home smelling fresh, and it’s not always easy with our dog Benji.”

Three unique aromas have been developed with the help of some top interior designers in collaboration with chief Perfumer Brad Small.

  • Nectar – A sweet and warm fragrance, ideal for summer days.
  • Rain – Fresh, clean and reminiscent of rainy days.
  • Wildfire – An interesting spiced fragrance to light up your hall.

It’s not lacking in technology either. Instead of just masking bad smells (which as we all know is just a temporary fix), MatFresh® uses patented technologies to actually break down airborne toxins and remove odours entirely.

A recent survey proved how mums love to keep their homes clean and fragranced, but always happy with the options out there:

  • 90% of mothers use air fresheners inside their homes.
  • 82% use front door mats.
  • 30% said air fresheners aren’t sufficient to revive the freshness in their home.

(Survey completed by 200 mothers across the UK)

Did you forget to get your Mum something special?