We developed our mobile app, Mats in Mind™, to be the ‘matting expert in your pocket’… but now we would like to connect you with our real matting experts over video. Would you or your team benefit from a refresher on floor level safety?

Coronavirus has affected businesses in many ways but one of the most noticeable is the reduction in face to face meetings. Since March, when travel was curtailed and working from home became the norm, many companies’ sales personnel were taken off the road, and if not furloughed, had to get used to working from home and communicating with their colleagues and customers remotely. Even the majority of our own workforce has been limited to working from home for most of the last few months.

Despite just entering a technical recession in the UK, COBA Europe is seeing strong demand for its products. In particular, our Covid response range has been helping business across the country get Covid secure. But in addition to this, we are seeing growing interest in matting solutions more generally, as business operations in all sectors get back up to speed. The virus may be the new enemy but standing fatigue and the risk of slips haven’t gone away!

Product training

One of the most important things when selling matting is to understand which product is right for which environment, and with our product range continuing to expand, having the latest know-how is key. And in addition to new products, our website and associated digital tools continue to be developed and we’d love to share this information with you.

We have a number of things we can present, or we can provide an in-depth introduction to the latest products in the range, or there are some handy features on our website you may not yet be familiar with. We’re even happy to provide a bespoke session with your sales force to ensure that they leave with the right information to support business development. 

Virtual site visits

Coordinating joint visits is much more of a challenge now than it has even been. Setting aside the difficulties that travel presents, site-specific rules and PPE requirements are making it harder to visit the end user in either a comfortable or economical way. So why not use video call to speak with your account manager whilst on site? They can assess the environment visually and provide products advice based on this. You never know, this may provide your sales advisors the confidence to offer an effective matting solution where otherwise a sales opportunity may be lost. And with our free sample service your customer could be holding examples of the shortlisted of products within a few days.

We’ve all been on a journey over the last few months, getting used to the ‘new normal’ of video calling, be that with your team, your boss or your friends, and we’ve all suffered an awkward moment or two I’m sure. So, whether you prefer to use Skype, MS Teams, or something else, we are happy to work around you, and minor technical glitches won’t get in the way of a productive sessions with your account manager!

To arrange a product training session or joint site visit please contact your account manager today.