
When it comes to entrance matting, the term ‘value engineering’ is something we are hearing more and more, from both main contractors and flooring contractors. We delve a little deeper into the true meaning of ‘value engineering’ and in particular, about the merits of value engineered entrance matting systems.

Say the words, ‘Value Engineering’ and we automatically presume that it comes hand-in-hand with cost cutting, the tightening of margins which can squeeze sub-contractors, and the general specification of a product that is sub-standard and not fit for purpose. This doesn’t have to be the case, especially where entrance matting is concerned.


All too often, we see over-engineered and over-specified entrance matting systems put into a bill of quantities simply because “this is what the specifier knows” and has used on their last job. Whilst a structural aluminium entrance matting system would be correctly specified for a shopping centre, it has no place in a primary school. If we take a look at the principal function of entrance matting, then we can better understand how to correctly specify an entrance mat.

Entrance matting is there to remove dirt and moisture from the soles of people’s shoes, as well as wheeled traffic whether that is wheelchairs, trolleys, or heavier loads such as pallet trucks.

Other factors to consider are:

  • Volume of footfall (how many people walk over the matting on a daily basis)
  • Type of dirt/moisture (a school playing field entrance will bring in an entirely different type of contaminant to a school main entrance, so would require a different solution)
  • The client’s cleaning and maintenance regime (do they lift the mats and clean out the wells? In which case an open tread system would be more appropriate than a closed tread system and far more efficient at collecting and trapping dirt and moisture)
  • Is a one product solution correct? Can a two-step system be employed?

By understanding these basic principles, we can guide our clients down the route of a value engineering exercise that is right for them and will give them a correct solution, which will save them money not just in the initial build, but also in the built environment.


What does this mean for main contractors? By putting forward a product that is correct for that type of entrance, the risk of comeback is greatly reduced. Cleaning and maintenance regimes can be confined to proactive rather reactive, and the warranties given by other manufacturers on their flooring products can be held as watertight, rather than ‘not worth the paper they are written on!’

And for flooring contractors? In terms of products offered by COBA Flooring, we have an incredibly diverse range of entrance matting which enables us to advise on the correct type of matting for your clients’ projects. By engaging with us, we can offer our expertise on the correct specification of product, and show you how to retain your margin on the job. All too often, entrance matting is left to the last minute and can be the proverbial ‘pain in the backside’ for most contractors.

From bespoke aluminium entrance systems, to interlocking PVC tiles through to bridge over products like our PathMaster Budget (featuring all the looks of aluminium but the workings of carpet matting) as well as entrance carpet for medium traffic areas, we have it all here at COBA Flooring.

Don’t forget when it comes to entrance matting, whether a main contractor or flooring contractor, we can support you with your value engineering exercises, helping you to save money and retain margins on your new build and refurbishment projects.