Specify COBA Europe loves its doors, not just because of its stylish entrance matting systems and trendy doormats! This is some news about ‘doors with a difference’ for a touch of festive website fun during the countdown to Christmas. Not tried it already? Then join the countdown with Specify COBA Europe’s rather novel online Christmas Advent Calendar.

A daily peep of the ‘virtual doors’ will not only reveal all sorts of interesting facts and trivia to impress friends and colleagues, but each Friday leading up to Christmas will also have some fabulous premium quality prizes up for grabs.

To stand a chance of winning one of these rather cool Friday prizes, simply sign up to COBA Europe’s online newsletter which will feature all the latest commercial entrance matting news, and your details will be automatically entered into each Friday Prize Draw. The sooner, the better – and the more chances of winning an amazing prize just in time for Christmas.