Safety and Health Expo is just a week away and the final preparations are being made by the COBA Europe marketing team for our exciting new product launch.  We love the word ‘unique’ and this new safety product certainly has ‘unique’ features, which makes it all the more exciting.

Safety and health expo stand p1850

Its official launch takes place on Wednesday afternoon (18th June) at the COBA Europe stand (P1850) and we’ve invited customers and safety media/facilities journalists to join in our celebrations, and learn about the features and benefits that make this new product so special.  Our launch event runs from 3.30pm to 6pm (Wednesday only) and all are welcome.

Intrigued?  We hope so and that’s why, if you are attending either Safety & Health Expo, or the adjoining Facilities Show, our Matting Sales team at COBA Europe would be only too pleased to tell you more about it.

We will be dishing out all sorts of gifts and giveaways, including some mini footballs to celebrate the 2014 FIFA World Cup (hurry, because our COBA colleagues already have their eyes on them!) We can’t promise a Brazilian carnival atmosphere, but we do know how to celebrate a good thing!

FIFA World Cup 2014

Our COBA Europe stand will feature some impressive new graphics to stir up curiosity.  And if you haven’t spotted it already, our ‘new product’ has been nominated by the Show Organisers as part of their Innovation Trail.  Look out for the yellow Innovation Trail balloons!

Of course, we will be promoting our many established workplace matting products, with options that reduce fatigue from standing in the workplace as well as those designed to reduce the risk of slipping on wet or oily floor surfaces.  We will also have copies of our updated Matting and Moving Edge Safety Knife Catalogues available at the show.

Updated catalogues

Join us for the ‘Ultimate’ launch and register here.  All to be unveiled next week at Safety & Health Expo!