Safety and Health EXPO

Safety and Health EXPO

Planning a visit to Safety & Health Expo (14-16 May 2013)? Then, COBA Europe would love to see you. Our sales team will be there to welcome you onto Stands H20 and I44 and take you through our latest offering of industrial workplace matting, which includes both slip-resistant and anti-fatigue floor matting options.

Anti-fatigue matting takes centre-stage this year as our focal theme for the COBA Europe stand. Oh yes, we are really hoping to put a ‘spring in your step’ by inviting people to stand on our anti-fatigue matting and experience the benefits first-hand. Compare it with cold concrete, and it’s the proverbial ‘no-brainer’!

This is far from just sales talk. Anti-fatigue matting has been scientifically proven to be more comfortable than standing on concrete, as tests by the Department of Human Sciences at Loughborough University have confirmed. Most of us will have experienced pain in some way from prolonged standing on a hard floor surface. When this creeps on we tend to move our weight naturally from foot to foot, or stretch muscles to alleviate the discomfort.

It is easy to ignore the odd niggle but these ‘occasional aches and pains’ can do long-term damage, and musculoskeletal disorders and other health-related conditions are a big problem. Common symptoms include varicose veins, bunions, lower back pain, Achilles tendonitis, heel ailments such as plantar fasciitis, arthritis, joint stiffness and even heart/circulatory problems.

What’s more, pain and tiredness in the workplace can also lead to a lapse in concentration which can, in turn, cause other more serious accidents.

It is easy to presume that those at risk are simply factory workers who stand on production lines and at assembly stations. It’s true they represent a large proportion of ‘those at risk’ but other occupations include retail staff, postal sorting offices, catering staff and healthcare workers to name but a few.

So a few minutes of your time is a small price to pay to find out how COBA Europe can help by recommending the most effective matting for your environment. You can even take away a free pair of slippers – now that is comfort indeed!

If you would like to pre-book an appointment with a member of our sales team, then please email: