COBA Europe FR attends Exclusive Event Préventica Toulouse. This event is all about workplace safety and offers a hands-on experience with anti-fatigue mats, showcasing their remarkable benefits and ergonomic advantages. Préventica took place on 19 – 21 September 2023 at MEETT Toulouse, bringing together industry professionals and enthusiasts to explore the world of workplace well-being.

Here’s what was learned at the event

Hands-On Experience:

Attendees had the unique opportunity to physically interact with a diverse range of anti-fatigue mats. By touching and standing on these mats, participants could directly feel the difference they make in reducing fatigue and discomfort associated with prolonged standing.


Meet Adrien, Commercial Director France:

Adrien, a seasoned Commercial Director at COBA Europe FR, is a key presence at the event. He will engage participants in insightful discussions about the issues caused by Tiredness and Muscular Strain (TMS) and share valuable insights on avoiding these challenges. Adrien also delved into ergonomic enhancements for workstations, enabling attendees to create healthier and safer work environments.

Expert Guidance:

Attendees had one-on-one consultations with Adrien. He is available to answer questions and offer personalised recommendations, ensuring that participants choose the right anti-fatigue mat that aligns with their unique workspace requirements.

“We are excited to provide a platform for individuals and businesses to directly experience the advantages of anti-fatigue mats,” said Adrien Bouby, Commercial Director at COBA Europe FR. “This event underscores our commitment to promoting workplace well-being and providing practical solutions that enhance employee comfort and productivity.”

The event promises a dynamic and engaging experience that bridges the gap between theoretical understanding and tangible benefits. Participants were able to gain insights that empower them to make informed decisions for creating healthier and more productive workspaces.

About COBA Europe FR:

COBA Europe FR is a leading matting company dedicated to provide best in class solutions for each unique site. With a strong commitment to innovation and quality, COBA Europe FR provides expertise in all things matting. The company is renowned for its dedication to improving workplace well-being and safety through ergonomic solutions.