Here are 5 quick tips for maintaining Gym Mats to ensure they stay in tip-top shape for longer. These tips are ideal for home gyms and public gyms:

1. Before you install

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The excitement to roll out your mat and to star using it is real, we know, but with the cold weather conditions in the UK your product can potentially be a piece of stiff rubber if you do not let the PVC return to normal.

Placing the product in room temperature location for 24hrs is often required to help them get back to normal. It will make the mat flexible and help prevent tearing or damage when rolled out. Having a more flexible mat to work with is much easier than trying to work with hard rubber.

2. Cleaning Gym Mats

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Now that your mat has been returned to its normal form you can easily roll it out. Like anything mats need a bit of TLC (tender love and care) to get then lasting as long as possible. Cleaning your mat correctly will make the world of a difference.

How to clean gym mats?

  • Firstly, remove any loose dirt and grit from the mat with a soft bristle brush.
  • Then clean the surface with pH cleaner and a disinfectant before and after use. This keeps mats as clean and healthy as possible.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals to clean your mat as it can cause the mat to wear and tear quicker as well as cause discolouration


3. Chemical Disinfectant

Hand in yellow glove holding spray bottle

How to disinfect gym mats?

  • We recommend the use of disinfectants specifically designed for Gym Mats. The reason behind using a specific disinfectant is not only to improve cleanliness in the area but to also not leave behind any trace of chemical residue on the mat.
  • And as a rule of thumb always use fresh solution.

This will avoid discolouration on the mat and ensure that harsh chemicals doesn’t cause quicker wear and tear on the mat.

4. Clean Under the Gym Mat

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Whilst it is not essential to clean under the mat, you get long-term benefits by doing so. How? Over a long period of time, moisture and mildew build up in areas between and under the mat. This impacts both the mat and the floor underneath. To extend the life of the mat, it would be ideal to mop under the mat every few weeks.

5. Invest in Entrance Mats

Premier Plus

Majority of dirt is brought into buildings due to lack of entrance matting. If you place mats around various entrance points in the building you will trap dirt and capture moisture before it hits the clean gym mats. This investment proves to be cost-effective as you save time and money on cleaning the mats as well as reduce wear and tear. Now that’s a Bonus Tip!

See our range of go to Gym Mats

Got any Tips you’d like to share? Tweet us @COBAflooring or leave a comment on LinkedIn.

For information and enquiries on Gym mats, get in touch we’d be happy to help.



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