Mats for commercial kitchens and food environments

A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking The Importance Of Mats For Commercial Kitchens & Food Environments

In any commercial kitchen or catering environment, it’s vital that people can move quickly and safely. Whether they’re rushing to their station to prepare a dish or carrying a finished dish ready to be served to a customer, the very last thing needed is a trip or slip because proper precautions haven’t been taken to minimise risks. In this article, we’re going to look at how anti-fatigue and non-slip mats for kitchens and catering environments can help minimise risk to businesses and their people.


What are anti-slip and anti-fatigue mats?

Anti-slip mats

Anti-slip mats are designed specifically for improving grip in areas where the risk of slipping can be quite high. In kitchens and catering environments, there’s a lot of liquid present and it’s likely that some will be spilled over the course of a day. On an uncovered hard surface, an oil spillage will present a real risk – with anti-slip mats in place, this risk is negated.

Anti-fatigue mats

Anti-fatigue mats are cushioned and supportive mats which are designed to reduce the stress on employees’ legs and backs that can arise when standing and walking for extended periods of time. Without proper support and cushioning, people can develop Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) from long periods of standing, and so these mats play an important role in mitigating this risk. 

The importance of non-slip mats for kitchens

According to ​​ 37% of all reported workplace injuries occurred as a result of a slip, trip or fall, and 28% of all fatalities had the same cause. All businesses have a duty of care to their employees, and taking steps to minimise such a prominent risk certainly falls into this duty. While there is no legal requirement for employers to provide these mats, the Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to make sure that all floors are safe.

Slippery kitchen floor

The benefits of anti-fatigue and anti-slip kitchen matting

From improved safety to floor protection and reduced stock loss, there are a number of benefits to installing rubber kitchen mats in commercial and industrial kitchens and catering environments. 

Greater safety

Spilled liquids, particularly oil, present a serious risk to people’s balance, and if those people are carrying heavy dishes or pots of boiling liquids, then that risk is multiplied further. With these mats in place, any spillages can be absorbed safely, rather than sitting on the floor until somebody notices – at which point it may already be too late to prevent an accident. 

Improved comfort and reduced risk of muscle injury

According to the HSE, work-related musculoskeletal disorders accounted for approximately 6.6 million days of absence in the UK in 2018, and while this statistic is from a few years ago now, it shows the problems that can be caused by long periods of standing. Anti-fatigue matting is specifically designed to help people stay more comfortable on their feet whilst standing for long periods of time. With extra cushioning, these mats reduce the stress on muscles in the feet, legs and back, reducing the likelihood of injury. The improved comfort also means people can stand for longer, which helps them to stay productive.

Floor protection

Hot liquids not only pose a risk to the safety of those around them, but they can also damage floors. Anti-slip matting features drainage holes which collect the liquids, reducing this risk. 

Reduced breakages

Dropping crockery, glassware and equipment on a hard floor is going to result in breakages, which means your business will have to bear the cost of replacement, as well as spending valuable time cleaning up shards and debris from the floor. With matting in place, breakable items are protected in the event of being dropped, which means your business is also protected from stock loss.


The durability of non-slip and anti-fatigue mats can be twofold if you select the right product. Not only are all mats tough enough to withstand a lot of footfall and combined weight over again, but certain mats are also resistant to the chemical properties of oils and grease. If you choose a mat with the right chemical compatibility for your needs – such as one made of 100% nitrile – you can enjoy added durability.

Better hygiene

As well as being a risk to people and flooring, spillages can also lead to bacteria and fungus developing, which will impact the food safety levels of the environment in question. Poor food hygiene levels can be disastrous for a restaurant or catering business, and anti-slip catering matting can be a valuable source of protection from potentially harmful spillages.

Improved performance

As we mentioned earlier in this article, standing on hard floors for long periods of time will inevitably lead to aches and pains, which means people may need to take a break to simply soothe their aching legs or backs. With proper matting in place to increase comfort, employees can be at their stations for longer which can help to improve productivity and efficiency.

Easy cleaning

As well as keeping floors clean, anti-slip and anti-fatigue mats are easy to clean, too. The drainage holes in these mats mean any spillages are collected neatly so they’re easy to remove, and the mats themselves can be easily cleaned in a commercial washing machine. 

Making life easier for staff and safer for everyone who passes through, anti-slip and anti-fatigue matting is a crucial investment for any commercial kitchen, catering or food preparation environment. Protect your staff, your premises and your business with non-slip mats.


COBA Europe recommends 

K-Mat Rubber Workplace Mat 

This nitrile mat is highly resistant to oils and chemicals, which makes it ideal for kitchens, catering and food preparation environments. It’s easy to clean, too, so you needn’t worry about it being out of action for long periods of time when it needs cleaning.


Fatigue Step Anti Slip Comfort Mat

With a raised circular surface for extra slip protection, this anti-fatigue mat provides comfort and relief whilst also offering protection from spillages. Slip tested to DIN 51130, it’s made from hard-wearing rubber for extra durability, and the sloped edges mean it reduces the risk of trips whilst improving accessibility for wheelchair users. 


Rampmat Rubber Workplace Mat

Slip tested to DIN 51130 standard, this hardwearing mat provides standing relief, making it ideal for kitchens. The drainage holes neatly capture spillages, and the ramped edges further reduce the risk of trips and make the matting easily traversable for wheeled access.

black-ramp mat-on-the-floor-beside-a-row-of-ovens

COBA Europe is a leading provider of anti-slip and anti-fatigue floor matting, providing a varied selection of matting for kitchens and catering environments. For more information about our non-slip matting, or to find out more about any of our other products, please contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.


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