In the bustling world of retail, where customer service and employee well-being are paramount, Leistenschneider, a leading photography retail shop, faced a significant challenge.

With staff spending long hours standing behind counters, fatigue became a prevalent issue, impacting both comfort and productivity. Recognising this challenge, Christian Elfroth, Business Director at COBA Europe, stepped in to provide a tailored solution to enhance workplace conditions and alleviate fatigue.

Leistenschneider’s retail environment demanded a solution that could withstand the rigors of continuous standing, offering both durability and comfort. The existing one-layer anti-fatigue mats behind the counters proved inadequate for the demands of the job. As fatigue set in, staff morale and productivity suffered, highlighting the urgent need for an effective remedy.

Understanding the unique demands of Leistenschneider’s operations, COBA Europe recommended two distinct products from their Orthomat range: Orthomat Comfort Plus and Orthomat Premium. While both options offered superior comfort and durability, each was tailored to specific requirements, ensuring an optimal fit for Leistenschneider’s diverse needs.

In Düsseldorf, Leistenschneider opted for Orthomat Comfort Plus behind their counters, while other branches invested in Orthomat Premium. The implementation of these tailored solutions significantly improved workplace comfort, alleviating fatigue and enhancing productivity among staff members. The durable construction of COBA Europe’s Orthomat range ensured long-term reliability, offering a sustainable solution to Leistenschneider’s challenges.

Through the strategic deployment of Orthomat Comfort Plus and Orthomat Premium, COBA Europe successfully addressed Leistenschneider’s pressing need for enhanced workplace comfort. By prioritising employee well-being, Leistenschneider not only improved staff satisfaction and productivity but also reinforced its commitment to excellence in customer service. This case study underscores the transformative impact of tailored ergonomic solutions in optimising workplace environments and fostering sustainable business success.