Deckplate anti-fatigue mats at IKEA Industry – dedicated project, innovative solutions

Products: Deckplate Safety, Deckplate Safety Special, Bubblemat Nitrile

Customer: IKEA Industry Poland Sp. z o.o., Oddział Orla

IKEA Industry Poland sp. z o.o. (Orla Branch) is a complex of two plants, including a modern factory for ultra-thin HDF boards, a sawmill and an add-on production plant where boards are cut to size.

Ultra-thin HDF boards (High Density Fibreboard) produced in IKEA Industry factories are innovative, durable, lightweight and environmentally friendly wood-based boards that are used in the production of lightweight furniture, back panels, doors, frames, core board for floor panels, etc. The Orla branch has the fastest HDF board production line in history.


Identified problem: ergonomics of work on Wema type grid

Ergonomics at workstations is very important. IKEA cares about their employees and wants work to be safe and comfortable. They have workstations where work is done in a standing position throughout the entire work shift. IKEA conducted interviews with employees, to see what can still be changed in their stations so that their work is not so tiring. Ergonomic mats, which are widely available on the market and offered by various suppliers, turned out to be a good idea – explains Ewa Bilmin, Sustainability Manager from IKEA Industry.

The problem appeared at the stations that are located on working platforms on the so-called Wema type grid. Most of the mats available on the market, are intended largely for workstations with a smooth surface, mainly for concrete floors.

The Robod company, with which IKEA often cooperate, organized a meeting between IKEA Industry and – COBA Europe, the leading manufacturer of safety mats. The meeting took place on the premises of the IKEA plant, so as to check and determine our needs on the spot. The COBA team introduced IKEA Industry to a large selection of types of mats depending on the needs and the final effect, which is the reduction of the load on the lower limbs of our employees – Mrs. Ewa comments on the course of the project’s commencement.

During the meeting, together with the employees of the plant, three basic needs in the field of floor solutions for workstations were diagnosed:

  • workstations at production lines on Wema type grid – on a hard grated surface, when working in a multi-shift standing position, advanced anti-fatigue properties are vital
  • workstations in an oily environment at lathes and panel saws, mats with anti-fatigue, anti-slip properties, and high resistance to chemicals are essential
  • workplaces in a dry environment, anti-fatigue solutions for multi-shift work are needed

The solution – selecting ergonomic anti-fatigue mats tailored to the working environment

The main problem turned out to be tiring multi-shift work at workstations located on Wema type grid. During the conversation with Mr. Maciej, IKEA Industry  asked if it would be possible to make a test mat for our needs that would work well on Wema type grids.  Thew COBA then developed a bespoke solution for IKEA based on the information from the technical department made a bespoke test mat with additional back reinforcement., The tests were successful, and the employees did not want to return the test mat.  The order was placed to kit out the whole site at IKEA industry and the employees have then been waiting impatiently for the delivery of these mats to their workstations – comments Mrs. Ewa on the course of cooperation.

For workstations on production lines, due to their location on Wema type grids and the need to obtain very good anti-fatigue properties during multi-shift work, COBA recommended the Deckplate Safety mat with an innovative protection of the bottom surface foam layer.  This bespoke solution was made in-house by COBA Europe, specific for the need of this site.   Thanks to the modifications introduced for the needs of IKEA Industry employees, the foam will not be damaged on the metal bars, and employees will feel an improvement in comfort at the workplace – comments Mr. Maciej Minorowski, National Sales Manager Poland & Baltics at COBA Europe.

For workstations at lathes and panel saws, due to the oily environment and the high risk of slipping and accidents, it was decided to use Bubblemat Nitrile mats with increased resistance to chemicals. The bubble structure provides good anti-fatigue and anti-slip properties. On the other hand, for dry stations for multi-shift work on plate cutting machines, the flagship model of Deckplate Safety anti-fatigue mat was chosen, as it offers the highest anti-fatigue properties.

IKEA case study

The specific needs of employees – a new solution: specially designed anti-fatigue mats

Over the years, the topic of anti-fatigue mats at workstations located on Wema grids has been coming back to us like a boomerang. These grits are damaging most standard mats and offer a real challenge.  For many reasons, customers could not always cover the grates with panels in order to install anti-fatigue foam mats with the best ergonomic parameters. Rubber mats were not always the optimal solution, as they are either too hard and don’t offer a good enough level of anti-fatigue properties – or they are too soft and sink into the Wema grids. The audit at IKEA Industry and a joint debate resulted in the start of work on a special version of the most popular anti-fatigue mat for multi-shift workstations with heavy loads – Deckplate Safety. The COBA Europe technical department refined the bottom layer of the mat, thanks to which it can be used on Wema type grids without the risk of damaging the PVC foam – Mr. Maciej Minorowski comments on the benefits of a joint project with IKEA Industry.

Anti-fatigue and ergonomic mats are used in companies where employees spend a lot of time in a standing position, so they get tired much faster and are more exposed to many occupational diseases resulting from long-term standing work. These are mainly the so-called musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) covering a number of ailments manifested by pain and difficulty in movement within the neck, back, shoulders, joints, lower and upper limbs.

Find out how ergonomic mats help reduce fatigue:

Watch this short video of how anti-fatigue mats work. The video offers a concise yet insightful demonstration of the functionality of anti-fatigue mats. Through a visual presentation, viewers are able to observe how these specialised mats effectively alleviate the physical strain caused by prolonged standing.

StandUp4Health eBook Cover

Standing and sitting position in the workplace

Download our eBook about sit-stand health in the workplace featuring expert opinion. In the context of the workplace, the dynamics of standing and sitting positions take center stage, addressing the nuanced interplay between ergonomic choices and employee well-being. This proposition introduces an eBook that delves into the realm of sit-stand health, serving as a comprehensive resource enriched with expert insights. By exploring the advantages and implications of alternating between standing and sitting postures, the eBook offers a deep understanding of how such choices impact physical health and productivity.


Download our white paper publication on standing positions

We’ve published this White Paper to provide Health and Safety professionals with the necessary information to properly assess the safety of workers whose occupations require them to stand for most of the day.

White Paper Download

I am glad that COBA has a very flexible approach to such topics and is able to make mats on special customer orders, which is associated with changes in production technology. Not every company wants and has the ability to do so – sums up the project Ewa Bilmin, Sustainability Manager at IKEA Industry.



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