Amazon Loopermat

Amazon is one of the world’s biggest online brands, handling millions of orders each day. The company now operates out of more than 170 Fulfilment Centres across the globe.

Fulfilment centres are where Amazon sellers send their products to be stocked. Once a product is ordered, it is then scanned, labelled and dispatched from the Fulfilment Centre. Amazon has over 20 of these facilities in the UK alone.

COBA Europe was contacted by the Warrington, UK Fulfilment Centre, looking for a solution to a problem they were facing.

The Fulfilment Centres use large machinery to process parcels at high speeds when labelling. The problem is that due to the speeds at which these machines operate, the labels can sometimes be misapplied and fall to the floor, where they become stuck. Once fully stuck to the ground, they become difficult to remove and need to be scraped away.

These sticky labels can then build up, creating a messy work environment. Amazon’s facilities are known for being extremely fast-paced environments, and the clean-up of the labels can be time consuming and costly.

COBA Europe recommended Loopermat. Its distinctive looped surface is primary used to catch dirt and debris from footwear and tuck it away. However, for Amazon UK, it’s textured surface is ideal for trapping sticky labels, meaning that they can be easily peeled away and removed.

Loopermat can also be easily cleaned itself. Simply shake to release the debris and sweep away. It is available with backing for loose lay applications, so it can be moved if need be. Its vinyl backing also provides minimum movement, reducing slips.

Amazon UK requested a bespoke Loopermat, complete with ramped edging to avoid trips.

In the few weeks since the mats have been installed, the team have noticed the difference that Loopermat has made. The work area is now spotless and free of stuck labels. The stickers can now be easily picked up by hand or vacuumed, reducing clean up time.

Colleagues in other Amazon Fulfilment Centres, from France to Germany, have shown an interest in this solution.

To discuss your working environment, please contact our matting experts and find out what matting would be the ideal fit for your unique needs.