Safety & Health Expo logo

There are only a few weeks left till the launch of the Safety & Health Expo on 21st June at ExCel London, the exhibition will run until 23rd June.

The exhibition celebrates health and safety excellence, there are scheduled to be over 1,600 exhibitors with over 200,000 products on show, which cover the health and safety industry.

Although we won’t have a stand at the exhibition this year, our safety matting team is interested to learn more about managing under foot safety and health in the workplace. We are keen to attend the physical health risks seminar, Clare Forshaw will be talking about the latest on hearing conservation and MSDs.

MSD Skeleton

Workplace related illnesses such as Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), are becoming more prevalent and downtime can be costly to employees and employers. The HSE have reported that in Great Britain approximately 9.5 Million working days were lost due to MSDs in 2014/15. This might be the time to review if you’re doing enough to protect your employees from MSDs.

Our safety matting teams is passionate about preventing slips in the workplace and reducing MSD related ailments. For decades COBA have been manufacturing workplace safety matting, which includes anti fatigue and anti slip mats. The product range we have covers everything from matting for the catering industry to heavy duty industrial environments.

Orthomat Ultimate

What’s new at the Safety & Health Expo for 2016?

There will be two new features at the show for 2016; a Training & Career Zone, which will include host speakers that will be able to offer advice on developing your career within the industry. The FPA Fire & Evacuation Theatre is also new for 2016, it will have feature contributors from companies that provide fire safety solutions.

You can find out more about the event on the Safety & Health Expo website.

To find out more information about our workplace safety matting contact our team on +44 (0) 116 240 1088