Not as such.  However, as part of the Health and Safety at Work Act, employers are responsible for ensuring that workplace floors are safe. This includes taking measures to reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls for employees and visitors. General health and wellbeing is a factor too. If workers have to regularly stand for prolonged periods of time in their occupation, then an employer may consider anti-fatigue mats to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) but this is only a recommendation, rather than legislation.

Any building open to the public also has a legal obligation to ensure its floor surfaces are safe for visitors/customers, as failure to comply, could lead to compensation claims from any individual who has an accident, such as slip on an unsafe floor.  Entrances to new buildings should also comply with Buildings Regulations (England and Wales) Part M and the requirements of The Equality Act 2010. (Please refer to the full document for detailed information relating to the purpose of the building.)  This means buildings should be accessible to all people regardless of disability, age or gender. It requires ‘reasonable adjustments to be made for accessibility’ to certain buildings. Entrance mats should not impede wheelchair access, and the matting should be level with the floor surface.

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