With the run-up to Christmas here, bars and restaurants can expect one of their busiest times of year.  For staff, that means long periods of time on their feet.

Slip-related accidents in the food and drink industry is a huge concern, but safety products such as rubber bar matting, for example, is an effective way of reducing the risks.   Spilt liquids simply seep through to the under-surface of the matting.

COBA Deluxe matting

Rubber matting also helps provide a cushioned standing surface helping to make working life that little bit more enjoyable for busy bartenders.  While bringing a smile to bartenders’ faces, rubber bar mats can also have the same effect on employers through a reduction in cost of broken glasses and bottles – a must for all those bar flairers!

Refer to COBA’s Catering Mat section for information on our range of bar and kitchen mats.