As winter takes hold and temperatures tumble, if you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to assess your anti-fatigue matting needs for the cold, damp months ahead.

Winter frost, weather

Good insulation is the key to underfoot comfort and the installation of anti-fatigue matting can make a dramatic difference in the workplace.  Concrete floors can strike very cold and this in itself can inhibit circulation.  Couple this with the impact of standing on a hard floor, then it can be ‘double-trouble’!

Thermal comfort is a significant factor in helping to alleviate or delay the onset of fatigue, and for this reason anti-fatigue mats are a sensible investment working as an ‘insulator’ for feet on cold floors.

The other important point to make is that anti-fatigue mats don’t have to be costly.  There are many lower cost options available on the market, which make a huge difference to comfort in the workplace. Even a thin layer of matting can help to insulate the feet.

Our standard Orthomat® workplace matting is one of our best-selling anti-fatigue mats and is widely used on production lines and in assembly areas.  For a relatively small investment (and we use the word ‘investment’ deliberately) the working environment can really benefit – and so can the people who work in it.  A more contented workforce, increased productivity and less sick leave absenteeism are just some of the benefits of anti-fatigue mat installation.

So the key point we are making is that anti-fatigue matting should not be viewed as a cost; but more accurately, an investment for creating a comfortable working environment which is the cornerstone for greater productivity, greater motivation – and hopefully, profitability!

If you want to know more about ‘fatigue from standing’ then it’s worth reading case studies from our Knowledge Centre!

The Impact of Standing

‘Tyred’ of Standing? Not with Orthomat

For more information about our full range of anti-fatigue matting products, then please contact or to view our full range, please click here.